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Jiménez-Serrano José Adrián, Jiménez-González Adrián, Esparza-Pantoja Javier Stephanie Gisel, Mejía-Elizondo Rebeca, Tanguma-Espinosa Ricardo. Los trabajos deben dirigirse a: LUX MÉDICA . of was applied to data collection. Defendida en la Universidad de Barcelona el día 17 de febrero de Actividad: Presidents de la Comissión que juzgó el trabajo de fin de Grau (TFG) del Sr. Adrián Cruz Espinosa: 'La .. de l'Art Rebecca Swanson, membre de l' IRCVM i de la Direcció de l'Associació de García. Lux Hispaniarum. Adrian Olvera Alvarado en procesos en CEPRA, Administrador de Data Center en Instituto Nacional para. Actual, Lead Scholar en Fiat Lux Scholars Program, Research Assistant en UC Merced. Anterior maria rebeca olvera alvarado. Adrian Cunningham · Resumen. págs. .. Artículo. Data Transmission Protocols . Claudia Lux · Resumen. págs. Rebecca Knuth · Resumen. págs . Adrian Cunningham · Resumen. págs. .. Artículo. Data Transmission Protocols . Claudia Lux · Resumen. págs. Rebecca Knuth · Resumen. págs . entenderá producida a todos los efectos legales desde el día siguiente al del CONSTRUCCIONES ADRIAN DARIUS VARAREAN.

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Such efforts, rooted as they are in the theory that health is socially determined, mobilize resources for health promotion that are not typically used, and offer a more informed and robust way of promoting health outcomes within a community.

Common criticisms of place-based work include the difficulty of replicationsince engagement is so specific to a place, and limited sustainability of the work, in the absence of continued institutional structures, both within the community and supporting structures outside the community, to keep these initiatives resilient.

This paper describes a place-based initiative, GO! Austin GAVAwhich was designed to harness the strengths of place-based work-namely, its specificity to place and community. From the start, the project was designed to balance this specificity with adrian lux que data rebecca focus on developing and utilizing a standardized set of evidence-informed implementation and evaluation approaches and tools that were flexible enough to be modified for specific settings.

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This was accompanied by an emphasis on leadership and capacity building within resident leaders, which provided for informed intervention and demand building capacity, but also for longevity as partners, philanthropic, and otherwise, moved in and out of the work.

Full Text Available Place-based health efforts account for the role of the community environment in shaping decisions and circumstances that affect population well-being.

Common criticisms of place-based work include the difficulty of replication, since engagement is so specific to a place, and limited sustainability of the work, in the absence of continued institutional structures, both within the community and supporting structures outside the community, to keep these initiatives resilient. Austin GAVA, which was designed to harness the strengths of place-based work—namely, its specificity to place and community.

Villa Pärnus Lõuna tänav 2a, valminudrestaureeritud Eesti Kultuurkapitali Arhitektuuri sihtkapitali restaureerimispreemia Very Long Baseline Interferometry VLBI Intensives are one-hour single baseline sessions to provide Universal Time UT 1 in near real-time up to a delay of three days if a site is not e-transferring the observational data.

Due to the importance of UT 1 estimates for the prediction of Earth orientation parameters, as well as any kind of navigation on Earth or in space, there is not only the need to improve the timeliness of the results but also their accuracy.

We identify the asymmetry of the tropospheric delays as the major error source, and we provide two strategies adrian lux que data rebecca improve the results, in particular of those Intensives which include the station Tsukuba in Japan with its large tropospheric variation.

We find an improvement when 1 using ray-traced delays from a numerical weather model, and 2 when estimating tropospheric gradients within the analysis of Intensive sessions. The improvement is shown in terms of reduction of rms of length-of-day estimates w. Profiles in medical courage: Full Text Available Austin Bradford Hill was a British epidemiologist and statistician who is best remembered for two landmark pulmonary studies.

This is regarded as the first randomized clinical trial. The second was the demonstration of the connection between cigarette smoking and lung cancer. Safety measures for nuclear reactors require that the energy which might be liberated in a reactor core during an accident should be contained within the reactor pressure vessel, even after very long irradiation periods.

Hence the need to know the mechanical properties at high deformation velocity of structure materials that have received irradiation damage due to their utilization. The stainless steels used in the structures of reactors undergo damage by both thermal and fast neutrons, causing important changes in the mechanical properties of these materials.

Various austenitic steels available as structural materials were irradiated or are under irradiation in various reactors in order to study the evolution of the mechanical properties at high deformation velocity as a function of the irradiation damage rate.

This article outlined the history leading to develop high-performance phased-array PA UT system called DYNARAY, with up to phased-array active channels and maximum focal laws, lowering the inspection time.

As examples it was applied to in-service inspection of reactor pressure vessel welded joints using module of PA- UT probe or eddy-current probe, inspection of seal welds of dry storage containers using scanner of PA- UTcrack detection of end ring of generators using Adrian lux que data rebecca UT probe and UT inspection of cast austenitic stainless steel using kHz probe.

Advanced data acquisition and analysis functions for PA- UT system had been developed. Full Text Available En nueve estaciones ubicadas en los cuerpos de agua de los Pantanos de VillaChorrillos, Lima; fueron realizadas colectas mensuales entre octubre de y agosto del Se determinaron especies de protozoarios distribuidos en géneros, 69 adrian lux que data rebecca y 28 órdenes.

Las elecciones desde una villa del Gran Buenos Aires. Mientras éstos enfocan hacia las estrategias de campaña de los candidatos y los entramados políticos desde los cuales construyen apoyos para explicar los resultados electorales o intentar predecirlos, el punto central de este artículo consiste en mostrar cómo las elecciones se imponen y son apropiadas localmente a partir de una perspectiva centrada en la urbanización de la villa.

In the paper we use Foucaults concept of Heterotopia to analyze how a window in 1: The question of the critical role of our built heritage to the complex and interdisciplinary processes that govern the current development of the built environment define a continuous challenge in interior studies and education: Can a study of the fundamental interior elements of Villa Rotonda Here an interdisciplinary team of students analyzed fundamental interior elements Enterprises and entrepreneurs in Colima and Villa de Alvarez: A paradox or Schumpeter anti law.

Full Text Available On the basis of the Schumpeterian conception about the characteristics of the innovating entrepreneur, this article offers a general explanation for the weak economic performance followed by the small firm sector within the municipalities of Colima and Villa de Alvarez.

The analysis, which considers entrepreneurship as the main variable of explanation, suggests that the small firms have few Schumpeterian characteristics, while prevails a low propensity to innovate and compete, and a high risk aversion. Full Text Available La Villa de la Madre y el Niño marca una nueva etapa en la arquitectura italiana, ya que es el resultado de un trabajo concebido y madurado por un equipo de arquitectos, médicos y sociólogos para, así, lograr una mayor efectividad en la resolución de problemas tan complejos como son la construcción de edificios con fines sociales.

On the other hand, this report also allows us to enlarge the faunistic assemblage of some vertebrate assemblages [es. At the Bottom of the Garden: The Caffeaus of Villa Albani. Built in by the architect Carlo Marchionni, possibly to a design by the client, the antiquarian Cardinal Alessandro Albani, this is a caffeaus or coffee house, to offer a rough translation featuring an eleven-bay semi-circular portico of Doric order.

The taking of coffee after dinner had become a popular pastime and some, who could afford it, built special pavilions in their gardens for this purpose. Pope Benedict XIV, for instance, had a caffeaus built in his garden at the Quirinal Palace some twenty years earlier, where he could withdraw from the formalities of courtly life.

For Cardinal Albani, the caffeaus also served as an extension to his Casino, where his adrian lux que data rebecca collection of sculptures, busts and basins was displayed. With the aid of his librarian, the German scholar and writer Johann Joachim Winckelmann, Albani displayed his immense and unique collection of art and antiquities in a way that served to underline his own scholarship, wealth and position of affinity with Rome.

The Villa and its splendours were not to be missed by the Grand Tourists. This paper will situate this exceptional pavilion in the wider context of his Villawhose gardens and buildings today lie in various stages of disrepair and are closed to the public, except by private invitation.

The author of this building was a prominent German architect, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, who accepted the contract from Greta and Fritz Tugendhat. The architectural design was subsequently very quickly completed and the construction was completed in The Tugendhat family lived in a villa until At the end of the war, it was used by the Red Army and later served for the state.

During this period, this building did not avoid warfare or later destruction of both the building and adrian lux que data rebecca of the facility. The importance of this building was recognized inwhen the villa was placed on the State List of Cultural Monuments.

The second, last reconstruction took place in the years - During these reconnaissance works there were also old, temporarily calming landslides, which were subsequently solved. For this reason, the site is suitable for geotourism as an example of architectural monuments versus geological subsoil. We present the results of our archaeoastronomical study of the villa and the tripartite shrine at Vathypetro. We found orientations to three major celestial events counting the equinoxes as one: The axis of symmetry of the major room of the villa was oriented to sunrise of the 22nd of October in the Late Minoan period.

This was also the orientation of the axis of symmetry of the main cult room in the west wing of the palace at Malia. We propose that this orientation marked the time for planting and thus the beginning of the agricultural year. It is unusual that archaeoastronomical studies make contributions to historical debates. However certain orientations dating after Late Minoan I seem to reflect the Mycenaean presence in Crete. The orientation of the tripartite shrine to sunset at the summer solstice is the same as the orientations of the small shrines at Malia and Agia Triada, all of which we argue to have been built for Mycenaeans.

We propose that there are two types of orientations in the island: Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset demonstrates the effect of changes in pollution concentration on local populations in block groups in AustinTexas.

Trip internalization and mixed-use development: Activity Centers would present such feat Disentangling the cognitive components supporting Austin Maze performance in left versus right temporal lobe epilepsy. Neuropsychological tests requiring patients to find a path through a maze can be used to assess visuospatial memory performance in temporal lobe pathology, particularly in the hippocampus.

Alternatively, they have been used as a task sensitive to executive function in patients with frontal lobe damage. We measured performance on the Austin Maze in patients adrian lux que data rebecca unilateral left and right temporal lobe epilepsy TLEwith and without hippocampal sclerosis, compared to healthy controls.

Performance was correlated with a number of other neuropsychological tests to identify the cognitive components that may be associated with poor Austin Maze performance. Patients with right TLE were significantly impaired on the Austin Maze task relative to patients with left TLE and controls, and adrian lux que data rebecca scores correlated with their performance on the Block Design task. The performance of patients with left TLE was also impaired relative to controls; however, errors correlated with performance on tests of executive function and delayed recall.

The presence of hippocampal sclerosis did not have an impact on maze performance. A discriminant function analysis indicated that the Austin Maze alone correctly classified In summary, impaired performance on the Austin Maze task is more suggestive of right than left TLE; however, impaired performance on this visuospatial task does not necessarily involve the hippocampus.

The relationship of the Austin Maze task with other neuropsychological tests suggests that differential cognitive components may underlie performance decrements in right versus left TLE. National Park Service, Interior. The human remains and The associated funerary objects found with the interments indicate that the human Analogy in causal inference: The purpose of this article was to rethink and resurrect Austin Bradford Hill's "criterion" of analogy as an important consideration in causal inference.

In epidemiology today, analogy is either completely ignored e. None of these examples, however, captures Hill's description of analogy. His words suggest that there may be something gained by contrasting two bodies of evidence, one from an established causal relationship, the other not. Coupled with developments in the methods of systematic assessments of evidence-including but not limited to meta-analysis-analogy can be restructured as a key component in causal inference.

This new approach will require that a collection-a library-of known cases of causal inference i. In addition, a process for describing key features of a causal relationship would need to be developed along with what will be considered paradigm cases of causation. Finally, it will be important to develop ways to adrian lux que data rebecca compare a "new" body of evidence with the relevant paradigm case of causation. Analogy, along with all other existing methods and causal considerations, may improve our ability to identify causal relationships.

This EnviroAtlas dataset presents environmental benefits of the urban forest in block groups in AustinTexas. Carbon attributes, temperature reduction, pollution removal and value, and runoff effects are calculated for each block group using i-Tree models www. Census derived block group boundary data. This dataset was produced by the US Forest Service to support research and online mapping activities related to EnviroAtlas.

The dataset is available as downloadable data https: Additional descriptive information about each attribute in this dataset can be found in its associated EnviroAtlas Fact Sheet https: Barton Springs actually consists of at least four springs.

The Main Barton Springs discharges into the Barton Springs pool from the Barton Springs fault and several outlets along a fault, from a cave, several fissures, and gravel-filled solution cavities on the floor of the pool west of the fault. Surface geophysical surveys [resistivity imaging, induced polarization IPself-potential SPseismic refraction, and ground penetrating radar GPR ] were performed across the Barton Springs fault and at the vicinity of the Main Barton Springs in south Zilker Park.

The purpose of the surveys was two-fold: Geophysical results indicate significant anomalies to the south of the Barton Springs pool.

A majority of these anomalies indicate a fault-like pattern, in front of the south entrance to the swimming pool. In addition, resistivity and SP results, in particular, suggest the presence of a large conduit in the southern part of Barton Springs pool.

The groundwater flow-path to the Main Barton Springs could adrian lux que data rebecca the locations of those resistivity and SP anomalies along the newly discovered fault, instead of along the Barton Springs fault, as previously thought. Modeling of flux, binding and substitution of urea molecules in the urea transporter dv UT.

Urea transporters UTs are transmembrane proteins that transport urea molecules across cell membranes and play a crucial role in urea excretion and water balance. Modeling the functional characteristics of UTs helps us understand how their structures accomplish the functions at the atomic level, and facilitates future therapeutic design targeting the UTs.

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This study was based on the crystal structure of Desulfovibrio vulgaris urea transporter dv UT. To model the binding behavior of urea molecules in dv UTwe constructed a cooperative binding model.

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To model the substitution of urea by the urea analogue N,N'-dimethylurea DMU in dv UTwe calculated the occupation probability of DMU along the urea pore and the ratio of the occupation probabilities of DMU at the external S ext and internal S int binding sites, and we established the mutual substitution rule for binding and substitution of urea and DMU.

Our modeling results are in good agreement with the existing experimental functional data. Furthermore, the modelings have discovered the microscopic process and mechanisms of those functional characteristics. The methods and the results would help our future understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the diseases adrian lux que data rebecca with impaired UT functions and rational drug design for the treatment of these diseases.

Full Text Available El artículo muestra la íntima dependencia entre la actividad turística y el paisaje donde se desarrolla, y la necesidad de tender hacia un turismo sostenible. En el artículo se exponen los principales impactos sobre el paisaje que este modelo de turismo ha ocasionado. In Maya science team led by the University of Texas- Austin conducted drilling and coring operations from the Helix Q targeting gas hydrates in sand-rich reservoirs in the Green Canyon block in the northern Gulf of Mexico.

The UT -GOM expedition goals were to 1 test two configurations of pressure coring devices to assess relative performance with respect to recovery and quality of samples and 2 gather sufficient samples to allow laboratories throughout the US to investigate a range of outstanding science questions related to the origin and nature of gas hydrate-bearing sands.

The pressure cores were imaged and adrian lux que data rebecca under pressure. Samples were degassed both shipboard and dockside to interpret hydrate concentration and gas composition. Samples for microbiological and porewater analysis were taken from the depressurized samples. Preliminary analyses document that the hydrate-bearing interval is composed of two interbedded cm to m thickness facies. Lithofacies II is composed of sandy silt and has trough cross bedding whereas Lithofacies III is composed of clayey silt and no bedforms are observed.

Lithofacies II has low density 1. Gas samples were analyzed periodically in each experiment and were composed of primarily methane with an average of 94 ppm ethane and detectable, but not quantifiable, propane. The core data will provide a. Hvad enhver kordreng skal kunne. Betragtning af motetten Ut Phebi radiis af Josquin Desprez.

Villa Adrian lux que data rebecca y Villa Nueva Full Text Available This article presents the results of a community survey in the Villa Turbay neighborhood in the city of Medellin. The objective was to carry out a study not only to know the reality, but also to contribute to its transformation.

In this research process, the community participated both in its formulation and analysis of information; as well as its final product. The purpose of these meetings is to provide interested Road, Ogden, UT Our Traditional Dessert which is to be Forgotten: It is produced in various regions of Turkey by boiling the mixture of wheatgrass juice, flour and water. The wheatgrass contains amino acids, protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and enzyme.

It is reported that the wheatgrass has antioxidant, anticancer, anti-aging, laxative, diuretic and antibacterial effects due to its rich composition. Application of immersion phased array UT technique in nickel based alloy weld.

The improvement of defect detection and sizing capabilities for nondestructive inspection technique has been required in order to ensure the reliable operation and life extension of nuclear power plant. Immersion phased array UT technique which is not affected the surface geometry of welds has been developed for inspection of BWR internals such as shroud, shroud support, and so on. Phased array UT technique was applied for shroud support mockup specimen with fatigue crack and partially SCC.

From the experimental results, the superior performance of phased array UT for the RPV outside and inside inspection was shown. In adapting it for television, Mike Nichols accurately respected the political agenda of the author democratic, hebrew and homosexual, who also wrote the screenplay.

La villapor dentro. Testimonios galaicos de los siglos X y XI. Heitor Villa -Lobos and the Parisian art scene: Full Text Available This article discusses how the flux of cultural productions between centre and periphery works, taking as an example the field of music production in France and Brazil in the s. The life trajectories of Jean Cocteau, French poet and painter, and Heitor Villa -Lobos, a Brazilian composer, are taken as the main reference points for the discussion.

The article concludes that social actors from the periphery tend themselves to accept the opinions and judgements of the social actors from the centre, taking for granted their definitions concerning the criteria that validate their productions.

Development of portable phased array UT system for real-time flaw imaging. Many functions and features of phased array UT technology must be useful for NDE in the industrial field.

Some phased array UT systems have been developed for the inspection of nuclear pressure vessel and turbine components. However, phased array UT is still a special NDE technique and it has not been used widely in the past. The reasons of that are system size, cost, operator performance, equipment design and others. The adrian lux que data rebecca applications were turbine component inspections for precise flaw investigation and flaw image data recording.

A multi-year program is underway at Pacific Northwest Laboratory PNL to move the synthetic aperture focusing technique from the Laboratory into the field to inspect light water reactor components. This report is a summary of highlights from the third year's efforts. The work presented here includes: Following evacuation of its large vacuum vessel, cooling to cryogenic temperature and alignment with the telescope according to the planned schedule, it successfully achieved technical first light during the night between November 16 and 17, The co-rotator system left through which the various cables are fed to the instrument, is also well visible.

Photo obtained on November 16, The first focus tests on stars yielded images of excellent sharpness, around 0. During the following nights, even better images, as small as 0. Observations were executed using the new VLT Control and Data Flow Systems which are driven by Observation Blocks that define all details of the required astronomical exposures. In addition to direct images in various infrared colours selected with different optical filtersspectroscopic observations were also made during the first few nights of operation.

This Press Release is accompanied by several images and spectra which illustrate some of the exceptional new astronomical capabilities offered by this instrument.

La rebelión criolla de la Villa de Oruro. Principales causas y perspectivas. Full Text Available Not available. Oruro implico un incipiente polo de poder criollo, con la elaboración de una ideología nacionalista criolla, sustentada en justificaciones ideológicas y un limitado mesianismo. Su carencia de programa independentista produjo una alternancia ambigua de sus líderes criollos entre los polos enfrentados. Thanks to the light thrown on them by the documents contained in the cartulary of the monastery of Celanova, the villae of Rabal and Bobadela provide valuable evidence concerning the internal organization of what in the 10th and 11th centuries was, and in all probability had long been, the basic unit of population.

Analysis reveals a firmly established but flexible structure based on the distinction among dwelling sites, cultivated land and uncultivated areas that allowed adaptation to changing social conditions and to perdure far into the future. In this paper we present the results of the development of a Web-based archiving adrian lux que data rebecca documenting system aimed to the management of multisource and multitemporal data related to cultural heritage.

The data management system relies on a geodatabase framework, in which different kinds of datasets were stored. More specifically, the geodatabase elements consist of historical information, documents, descriptions of artistic characteristics of the building and the park, in the form of text and images.

In addition, we used also floorplans, sections and views of the outer facades of the building extracted by a TLS-based 3D model of the whole Villa. Furthermore, through a specific timeline function, the user can explore the historical evolution of the building complex. Full Text Available In this paper we present the results of the development of a Web-based archiving and documenting system aimed to the management of multisource and multitemporal data related to cultural heritage.

Evaluation of the structural health status of the covering of Villa dei Misteri in Pompeii. It is sited just outside the ancient city and adrian lux que data rebecca its name from the superb frescoes cycle depicting ritual mysteries.

The ancient masonry structures, dating from the 2. After the collapse, in the fall ofof a decayed timber beam, the Suprintendence decided to carry out, in collaboration with ENEA, a detailed survey of all the covering structures to evaluate its health status and to assess the safety condition of the monument. This paper illustrates the research methodology developed, which is based on a multidisciplinary approach including historical research, geometrical and structural surveys, damage assessment based on both in situ and laboratory diagnostic test, UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicles remote sensing to inspect area and coverings not easy to reach in safe, and, as basis for seismic safety assessment, ambient vibration measurement to characterize the dynamic response of the soil and of the most relevant structural components of the ' Villa '.

The preliminary results of the first stage of the diagnostic campaign are also presented. Full Text Available New biotechnology applications require in-depth preliminary studies of biodiversity. The methods of massive sequencing using metagenomics and bioinformatics tools offer us sufficient and reliable knowledge to understand environmental diversity, to know new microorganisms, and to take advantage of their functional genes.

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Villa Luz caves, in the southern Mexican state of Tabasco, are fed by at least 26 groundwater inlets, containing — mg L-1 H2S and Villa Luz caves sites, with pH values from 2. Seven bacterial phyla were identified. As a result, Proteobacteria was more frequent than Acidobacteria.

El origen de las villae romanas en Cataluña. Full Text Available This article wants to be an in-depth study of the rural settlements of Republican age on the coast of Catalonia Spain. It will question the currently widely accepted interpretation of the beginning of the villa system at the end of the IInd century B.

From these facts a new model of historical interpretation is proposed. A partir de esta constatación se propone un nuevo modelo de interpretación histórica.

The two Late Minoan I villas at Tylissos and an unknown earlier building at the site show similar relationships to the celestial bodies that we have encountered at all of the Minoan buildings that we have studied. They had orientations to celestial events relevant adrian lux que data rebecca the calendar, such as sunrise or sunset at the equinoxes and the solstices, and the heliacal risings and settings of bright stars. We also re-encountered the phenomenon that different places marked the beginning of one or more solar months, which suggests that certain months had special relevance for specific places, as if to honor a god or goddess or some other special event for that particular place.

In addition, the orientations of the two Late Minoan I villas at Tylissos share the same complexity that we have met at two other sites, where diagonal lines were used to create shadows when marking the parts of the calendar that were specific for Tylissos. It now seems clear that an element of Minoan cosmology insisted on a close connection between their places on earth and the celestial sphere. It was the custom for the Mycenaeans and the Greeks, who later inhabited the island, to honor their deities in special months, and we may find the roots of this custom among the Minoans.

Granivorous birds and sorghum crop in the province of Villa Clara,Cuba. Full Text Available In order to reduce the damages granivorous birds cause to sorghum Sorghum bicolor L. Moench in the province of Villa Clara, Cuba, research based on the determination of the major endemic, migratory birds and their relationship with the distribution were made space of historical meteorological variables in the province in the seasonal behavior of birds in different climatic regions.

Population to sorghum producers grouped in different forms surveys were conducted, which yielded a large database, such as the determination of the main grain-eating birds percentage damage incurred, varieties, grain color, growth stage and other indicators.

Nine main species affecting sorghum grain-eating birds in our province were recorded; Passer domesticus, Lonchura malacca, Lonchura punctulata, Dives atroviolaceus, Passerina cyanea, Zonotrichia leucophrys, Columbina passerine, Zenaida macroura y Zenaida adrian lux que data rebecca. The spatial distribution of meteorological variables and their relation to the seasonal behavior of birds in different climatic regions of the province was determined, based on record four preferential habitat areas.

The results allowed us to provide companies and different forms of production in Adrian lux que data rebecca Clara, the possibility of a varietal structure planting of sorghum on the basis of different preferential areas granivorous birds, together with the morphological and physiological characteristics of different genotypes introduced in agricultural production of the province and nationally.

Villa Stein-De by le Corbusier Conservation Strategies Between Research and Education. The paper focuses on the educational experience produced during the International Workshop, organized by the IUAV University of Venice and dedicated to both the understanding and conservation of the maison Stein-de-Monzie "Les Terrasses", an emblematic work of Le Corbusier's early career period.

The villalocated in Garches Vaucressonwas designed and built between andthe exact same years when Le Corbusier was elaborating the "Five Points of Architecture" Nowadays, both the interior spaces and the external surfaces of the maison Stein-de-Monzie show profound changes caused by problematic events leading to the present-day appearance of the building, in many cases misrepresenting the original design goals.

The building's integrated instrumental survey laser scanning, photogrammetry, topography allowed to document and understand the history of the villa beyond the mere and well known project phase, contributing to the definition of the actual construction characteristics and to ascertain both the material consistency and the state of conservation.

The knowledge acquisition process - supported by survey data - constitutes a prerequisite to outline the design of new solutions, which could effectively express the cultural choices connected to the conservation of the Twentieth-Century built heritage.

The basis for comparison was the computed importance values, species richness, species dominance, and percent distribution of plants according to self-defined DBH classes.

Results showed that both sites had very high species richness and evenness values. Common overstorey and understorey plant species found in both areas were katagpo Psychotria sp. Apart from sagimsim Syzygium brevistylum [C. In case the proposed project is to be pursued, enclosure similar to what has been constructed in Canapnapan, Corella, Bohol, Adrian lux que data rebecca should also be established to prevent stray animals from predating the captive tarsiers.

Olev Siinmaa villa ja mööbli restaureerimine: Olev Siinmaa villa ja mööbli restaureerimist tunnustati EK arhitektuuri sihtkapitali Samples of creek bed sediment collected near seal-coated parking lots in AustinTexas, by the City of Austin during had unusually elevated concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHs In15 cultural Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHs in Austin sediments after a ban on pavement sealers.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon PAH concentrations were measured in stream sediments collected before and after a adrian lux que data rebecca ban on the use of coal-tar-based pavement sealers in AustinTexas. Samples were collected in Octoberprior to the ban, and again in April,approximately 2 years after the ban. Differences in total PAH concentrations between samples collected before and after the ban show no net change in PAH levels in Austin stream sediments.

Results of hydrocarbon fingerprinting reveal subtle differences in PAH profiles that appear to reflect the effects of weathering rather than a change in PAH sources. Unusual way of loosened total hip arthroplasty treatment with an Austin Moore endoprosthesis. Full Text Available A year-old female patient with aseptic loosening of total cemented hip endoprosthesis and pathologic fracture of the femur at the level of the stem of endoprosthesis was presented.

As no appropriate endoprosthesis was available due to the war in Croatia and war priority, the problem was managed by femur osteosynthesis and implantation of a partial Austin Moore hip endoprosthesis. The endoprosthesis is still functioning well for 20 years.

Nuclear analytical techniques with neutron beams at the Univ. Neutron beams produced by nuclear research reactors can be used for analytical chemical analysis by measuring nuclear radiation produced by neutron capture. For the last three decades, these techniques have been applied at a number of research reactors around the world.

Brief descriptions of the facilities and summaries of activities for these analytical techniques at the University of Texas at Austin are provided in this paper. A year-old female patient with aseptic loosening of total cemented hip endoprosthesis and pathologic fracture of the femur at the level of the stem of endoprosthesis was presented. To the best of the author's knowledge, nobody has ever treated problem like this using this alternative, an unconventional method, with an Austin Moore endoprosthesis.

This paper compares use of various data sets within KEOF. Application of ultrasonic inspection technique for crack depth sizing on nickel based alloy weld. Establishment of UT procedure for crack depth sizing by phased array UT. Recently, it is reported that the primary water stress corrosion cracking PWSCC was occurred at the nickel based alloy weld components such as steam generator safe end weld, reactor vessel safe end weld, and so on, in PWR.

Defect detection and sizing is important in order to ensure the reliable operation and life extension of nuclear power plants. The crack was detected in the axial direction of the safe end weld. Furthermore, the crack had some features such as shallow, large aspect ratio ratio of crack depth and lengthsharp adrian lux que data rebecca of crack tip, and so on.

Therefore, development and improvement of defect detection and sizing capabilities for ultrasonic testing UT is required. Phased array technique was applied to nickel based alloy weld specimen with SCC cracks. From the experimental results, good accuracy of crack depth sizing by phased array UT for the inside inspection was shown.

From these results, UT procedure for crack depth sizing was verified. Therefore, effectiveness of phased array UT for crack depth sizing in the nickel based alloy welds was shown. Use of deuterium and oxygen in hydrological problems at Villa de Reyes, S. A survey adrian lux que data rebecca an initial study in order to understand the general behaviour of ground water at Villa de Reyes, S. Deuterium and oxygen results are discussed and two geothermometers were used in order to search for a geothermal area.

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The 'Elguea' spa, located in the north coast of the county of Villa Clara, Cuba, is considered one of those more important spas of Latin America. The waters of this spa are rich in salts of chlorine, sodium, bromine, sulfides and its contain radon. As a result of measurements of environmental gamma dose rates carried out in the area of the spa, its were considered levels of dose between 0.

The obtained results motivated that it was carried out a characterization, from the radiological point of view, of the spa. This characterization is of supreme importance to be able to evaluate the impact that it has and the discharges of its waters on the environment, as well as, those dose that the population potentially affected can receive by these discharges.

Adrian lux que data rebecca this end its were carried out quantitative determinations of those existent natural more significant radionuclides in different environmental objects coming from the area of the spa and its surroundings, as well as one characterization gamma 'in situ' of the same one. Citas vegetarianas melbourne. Sitios de citas cristianas en houston tx. Emparejamiento ck2. Estudiante de derecho de citas en línea. Saliendo con la reina kinostart deutschland.

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